Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Faces #21, #22, and #23

I did these in a hurry just to keep up. the only problem I have with 29 faces is that I tend to rush my work, which isn't super bad because it's helping me complete things in a faster time, I just leave out things or say 'it's good enough'. It's something I'm defiantly going to have to work on in non-29 face months...

#21 and #22 Goblin King Jareth and Sarah from Labyrinth. Needed more time and detail...

#23 A shadowed Zombie girl that I saw in a picture....Her hair needs work.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Face #15, #16, #17, #18, #19 and #20

 Ok I really let myself fall behind. I still have 2 faces to do to catch up but I wanted to post what I've done so far.

#15, James Dean in Charcoal.

#16 Benedict Cumberbatch also in Charcoal.

#17 Indiana Jones in my Sepia chalk.

#18 Patrick Stewart in pencil

#19 Kristen Stewart in Charcoal, I didn't spend a lot of time on her... I actually regretted starting her but it was a face so it counts!

#20  Vincent Cassel in Charcoal.

Ok off to draw some more faces!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Faces #11, #12, #13, and #14 I'm falling behind!

This last week has been super fun and busy but as a result I am behind on my faces. Friday I spent the day sewing. Saturday was spent at a Renaissance Festival. Sunday was a farewell/celebration of life party (for my old co-worker and friend who is dying of skin cancer) and I finished Sunday with buying a new rooster for my flock of hens. As a result I have only 4 faces, which I started on Sunday night after getting my rooster.

I did his guy while watching a movie, and normally I have a photo on my computer as a reference but this time all I had was the back of a dvd... I wasn't happy with how it turned out but it was a good practice with shading.

This guy was one I did without any model at all. I was happy with him, normally they don't turn out so well. I loved drawing his beard. 

I love what I was able to do with her but she doesn't look like who she's supposed to be (Audrey Hepburn),  I am getting better though.

Really quick one with charcoal and blue crayon, the water didn't look how I wanted it to so I took a crayon and colored it. 

Off to finish some more! I must catch up!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Face #6, #7 #8 #9 and #10

I just caught up with my faces last night. I have two water colors and two pencil drawings done (one drawing has two faces in it)  I found out that I'm actually running out of watercolor paper so I don't know how many more I'm going to do.

Face #6 Gypsy lady in watercolor. I usually don't paint hair so I was trying some different things with hers.
I really like how she turned out and I'm going to try and paint or draw her again so I can capture her hands as well.

Face #7 For this guy I wanted to play with shading with darker skin tones, I really like him as well, though his eyes didn't turn out the way I wanted. My hand smudged  this eye highlight away in the right eye, oh well.

Face #8 Alan Rickman! He was very relaxing to draw and his proportions and shading just flowed from my hand. Why can't all drawing be that way and actually turn out?

Faces #9 and #10  Two for one with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall :) I'm really trying to work on faces from the side, the mouth area is the hardest for me, I'm not happy with how their mouths are but it is a definite improvement to what I've done in the past at that angle.

Well I'm off to do house work and hopefully knockout another face or two (and maybe head to the craft store). 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Face #5

I did another pencil drawing, she was a bit of a pain and took several hours, I just couldn't get her proportions right, she's also at an angle which is difficult for me. 

I think I might break out my watercolors and have fun with the next few faces, I've been itching to get some watercolors done :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Face 4

As promised.  I drew her today. She is based off a picture of a Miss Universe contestant (I think it was last year, I saved the picture because I wanted to draw/paint her, unfortunately I didn't pay close attention to who she was or anything)

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 29 face challenge!

I can't believe that September is already here, this summer  has flown by.
Below are 3 faces I did earlier this summer and tonight I will start work on some new ones :)

Face #1
My brother and I spent and evening together and each of us drew this man. I was very interesting to see our different styles for the same picture.

Face #2
I'm still trying to get a feel for charcoal....

Face #3
A rough sketch on lined paper with a pen.... The man was older this this drawing shows but I couldn't get anymore wrinkles in there with out turning him into a black blob of ink.... I like him though.

I can't wait too see what everyone else is creating this month!