Doctor #2 is Patrick Troughton, who played the Doctor from Oct 1966 to June 1969. This Doctor was nicknamed the Cosmic Hobo and I'm excited to watch some of his episodes.
I was introduced to Doctor Who with the reboot. The series was canceled in 1989 and started up again in 2005 with the ninth Doctor. I first watched the tenth Doctor and once I was hooked I went back to the ninth and watched until I was current with the series.
I have gone even further and found some episodes from the 60's, I love black and white shows, and I am slowly making my way through all the Doctors, but I have yet to see any with the second Doctor.
I've been running around selling Christmas Wreaths for some extra Christmas money and haven't gotten our tree yet! Though I did get our stockings put up over the weekend, the house still feels empty without that extra Christmas spirit.