Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #23 - #29

These last faces don't have a lot of time put into them, but I needed to finish this challenge, I was too close!

And um, these faces well... they are shapes, I thought it would be fun, they look goofy...

I don't think I'll be participating in 29 faces in September, we set our wedding date for 9/12/15!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #12- #20

I am determined to get all 29 faces done... I haven't been posting daily, but I have been working on faces whenever I can spare the time. Most are not the in depth faces that I like to do but simple faces, eye's, nose, and mouth? Check.

Face #12 Smile!

Faces #13 and #14 ... I was doing this one for Valentine's Day but then I lost interest and time half way through... but I happy with how they turned out, I didn't do any mapping or guidelines for proportion on them.

Face #15

Face #16

Face #17... I didn't feel like drawing another eye... it was a weird night.

Face #18

Face #19

Face #20. I drew her while watching  Men In Black...So I gave her an alien feel.

I've noticed that with these quick faces I don't want to do them in pencil. I constantly pick up my charcoal and start doodling. It must be a charcoal month.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #11

So today's face is a really quick one... My 27th Birthday was yesturday and there was a lot of celebration, so no time for faces.

And then my schedule got booked...
Wedding plans now get to be added to the to-do list!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #10

Ok, after the last few rushed faces I made time to  really work on a face. Face #10 is someone I know, a local DJ, and I fell in love with this picture of him and had to draw it.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #7

Happy Saturday! One week of the challenge is done- another 3 left to go.

Face #7

I'm in love with his eyes :) 

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #6

This guy was a quick sketch and I started getting his proportions off, but I went with the flow and made it work. I actually really like him.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #5

This  face did not turn out like I wanted... I'm not sure where it went wrong (it's more than just his eyes), but I'm short on time and it's a face, so it gets to be #5....

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #4

I loved the smile on this next face. I've recently decided that I don't smile enough and need to change that. One must look at the bright side of everything and surround themselves with happiness. This next face it so joyful, it put a smile on my face when I found the guide photo. I hope she makes you smile as well :) 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 2015 Challenge Face #3

So far so good, I'm getting a little time here and there to work of some faces, but the month is still just beginning and I have a lot of faces left to-do. I'll just keep chugging along.

Face #3

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2015 Challenge face #2

Back in December I did my own little challenge and I drew all 12 Doctors from the BBC's TV show Doctor Who. It was my way of counting down to Christmas day. I had an extra face because I had to redo Doctor #9- played by Christopher Eccleston. The first drawing I did of him I didn't like, it looked enough like him but not the way I wanted it too, so I did another one and posted it. So I'm letting that first face, the one that wasn't good enough for the Doctors wall (I have all of them on display in my TV room), I'm letting it out of the sketch book and into the spot light.

Face #2

Sunday, February 1, 2015

29 Faces Feb-2015 Face #1

Day one is a real quick sketch I did to test out a new kind of charcoal stick....

He was a fun, crazy face to do. My photo guide was an old, hairy Gypsy. I might re-use the guide photo but use pencil instead...

Happy Superbowl!!!! GO HAWKS!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

29 Faces Feburary 2015 Challenge the night before....

This will be my 5th  29 faces challenge and I'm a little nervous for it. 
In the past I have had more free time to devote to  the challenges, this time I  hardly have a spare minute, I now work from home. 
I agree that it sounds funny, working from home and no spare time, but trust me, when I do have time to sit down there is a lot of  typing involved.

So, the adventure that is 29 faces, shall begin with optimism...

I can do it.