I first knew him as the goblin king, I was raised watching Labyrinth. The oldest of three children, each of us loving and watching Labyrinth multiple time a week, I have it imprinted into my brain and can recite most of the movie. My husband knows I quietly mouth the words if we watch it, but I can't just mouth the words when the songs come one. I am compelled to sing.
As I grew older I recognized his songs on the radio and the references to him in other movies (Like the Wedding singer). Most of my friends didn't know him till I sang them 'Under pressure' or somehow got them to watch Labyrinth. When I was in my early twenties I watched him in 'The man who fell to earth' simply because he starred in it.
I was not old enough to know who Ziggy Stardust was, or how much David Bowie had changed music or his fashion over the years. I just knew he was cool and I liked him.
When he passed away, the child in me was heartbroken, we had lost the goblin king...
I did not draw a picture of Jareth the goblin king though, I drew a picture of David Bowie
It's not as close of a likeness as I would like but for not drawing in almost a year I'm happy with how he turned out. And yes his eyes are that way on purpose, did you know that David Bowie had
Anisocoria - a condition where the pupils are different sizes?
1 face down, 28 to go.