Thursday, December 25, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #12 Doctor Merry Christmas!

First of all, Merry Christmas!

Peter Capaldi is the 12th incarnation of The  Doctor. He started  December 25, 2013 and is the current Doctor of the series. I am not caught up this far in the series so I haven't seen any episodes with this Doctor, but I'm excited to start.

And real quick before I  go back to the family and presents,
here is my Doctor Who wall with all the new faces...

I'm pretty sure I need a bigger wall now.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #11 Doctor

Matt Smith played the Doctor from January 1, 2010 to  December 25, 2013. He was the youngest actor to be cast as the Doctor at age 26. This Doctor is famous for eating fish fingers and custard (Together, like dipping the fish stick in the custard), I made a variant of it once...

Tonight is Christmas Eve, I'll be off visiting family and friends before Santa comes tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #10 Doctor

    From June 18, 2005 to  January 1, 2010 David Tennant played The Doctor and fulfilled a childhood dream. From an early age to told his parents to wanted to grow up to be an actor and play the Doctor one day. 
He was my first doctor, having been introduced to the series with the episode 'Blink' and skipping to "Silence in the library' and  'Forest of the dead' (a two part episode). After that I was hooked.

Monday, December 22, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #9 Doctor

From March 26, 2005  to June 18 of the same year Christopher Eccleston portrayed The Doctor, making him number 9.  He was the first actor to play the role who was born after the series began and helped successfully relaunch the series, though he only stayed on for one season.

This drawing was done in 2013  (as well as doctors  #10 and #11), I was going to redo them but Christmas has caught up with me and I don't have the time. Both #9 and #10 have more of their torso showing that the rest of the Doctors, I think they look a little out of place on the Doctor wall now... I'll have to remedy that after the holidays.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #8 Doctor

Paul McGann is the eighth Doctor. In yesterdays post I mentioned how the show was canceled in 1989, ending with the 7th Doctor. In 1996 they made a TV movie in an attempt to bring the series back and introduced the 8th Doctor. Alas it didn't take off and the 8th Doctor spent the least amount of time as the Doctor.

Only 4 more days till Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

12 days of Doctor who - #7 Doctor

Sylvester McCoy played the seventh  Doctor from September 1987 to  December 1989 when the show was canceled.  This incarnation of the Doctor became one of the darkest and apparently convinced several of his enemies to commit suicide.
Not a very happy thought so close to Christmas... but it is what it is.

On a happy note, I have a Family Christmas Party to go to today :) I'm excited to see everyone and partake in the traditional white elephant gift exchange... I hope I don't end up with the cast of Aunt Jeanne's teeth this year.

Friday, December 19, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #6 Doctor

Today is the sixth Doctor, played by Colin Baker, who was the Doctor from March 1984 to December 1986. He was known for being volatile and brightly colored, and I have to say I find his outfit interesting.

 I've got my house all decorated (finally) and it's starting to really feel like Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

12 Days of Doctor Who- #5 Doctor

The fifth Doctor was played by Peter Davison and was the Doctor from March 1981 to March 1984.
He was known as the pretty boy Doctor. I wonder why?

I can't believe Christmas is only a week away!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #4 Doctor

The forth Doctor was played by Tom Baker. This Doctor was the longest running Doctor in the series  (172 episodes) and was most identified by his extra long scarf. He was the Doctor from June 1974 to March 1981.

Only 8 more days until Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

12 Days of Doctor Who - #3 Doctor

The third Doctor was played by Jon Pertwee who's catch phrase was "Now listen to me!"
He was the Doctor from Jan 1970 to June 1974.

I really need to work of drawing hair... I am never happy with it.

Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet? I still have a few things to pick up and wrap but most of mine is done. And I think we are getting our Christmas tree today!

Monday, December 15, 2014

12 days of Doctor who - #2 Doctor

Doctor #2 is Patrick Troughton, who played the Doctor from Oct 1966 to June 1969. This Doctor was nicknamed the Cosmic Hobo  and I'm excited to watch some of his episodes.

 I was introduced to Doctor Who with the reboot. The series was canceled in 1989 and started up again in 2005 with the ninth Doctor. I first watched the tenth Doctor and once I was hooked I went back to the ninth and watched until I was current with the series.
I have gone even further and found some episodes from the 60's, I love black and white shows, and I am slowly making my way through all the Doctors, but I have yet to see any with the second Doctor.

I've been running around selling Christmas Wreaths for some extra Christmas money and haven't gotten our tree yet! Though I did get our stockings put up over the weekend, the house still feels empty without that extra Christmas spirit.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

12 days of Doctor Who - #1 Doctor

Christmas is almost here and I have decided to celebrate it with a Doctor Who count down. I'm not sure what started the whole 12 days of Christmas thing (I will be looking it up after this) but instead of a partridge in a pear tree we are going to have Doctor #1.
I'll spend the next 12 days drawing the incarnations of the Doctor from BBC's Doctor Who. If you haven't seen the show I suggest you do, it's quite addictive and wonderful.

Our first day of Christmas is William Hartnell who was the Doctor from Nov 1963 to Oct 1966.

And after looking it up, the 12 days of Christmas actually starts on Christmas and ends on Jan 6th... I'm still doing it my way, I hope you all enjoy!