Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Faces #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29 And DONE!

I got all the faces done! This month was  pure chaos! The last three faces were a bit rushed but a face is a face.

#24 Audrey Hepburn

#25 Here's Johnny! from the Shining....

#26 Was going to me Robert Downy Jr, but there was a power outage just after I started and I didn't have my guide picture to look at...

#27, #28, & #29 are just faces I sketched with only an hour left until Oct 1st.

So far this was the hardest Challenge for me to complete,  for a day or two in the middle of the month, I was thinking about giving up, I'm glad I didn't.


  1. Good work. I have never tried drawing a celebrity. Maybe I should. Jack, creepy!

  2. Wonderful wonderful!!! What a lovely portraits and you can see along the way that you're getting better and better, although I really liked your 4th face of the miss Universe girl. That's stunning. And Johnny from the shining is really good!!
    I have finished my 29 faces also, so I now have some time to visit all the participants of the challenge :-)
    Have a great day!
    xxx Marianne MW
