Saturday, February 1, 2014

29 Faces 2014! Face #1

Welcome to a new year! So far 2014 had been busy and exciting for me, hopefully it will continue to do so.
29 Faces helped me out so much last year, I had always doodled on note books and dabbled in watercolors but I had never really taken my art seriously or pursued  it. Last year, thanks to 29 faces, I completed an entire sketch book for the first time in my life. Looking back I can see the progress I've made and it is incredible.  I am pumped for this month of 29 faces and I hope you are too!

Face #1
The old woman

I confess I did her in the beginning of January, but I found her fitting to be face #1 as she was the first piece of art I did in 2014. It took me three days, I was sick with that nasty H1N1 bug and worked on her when the fever died down during the day between naps. At first I though her eyes were off and looking back at the picture I used as a guide I can tell I missed a few details but all in all her eyes are not that off...

I fell in love with her hand the moment I saw this picture, and there is just something about her face that captures me.

This month I'm going to  work on different angles of the face  and details (like eyes). Most of the photos I've saved for a guide are black and white with lots of shadows for me to play with but if I get board or adventurous I'll break out the paints :)
Let the flurry of faces begin!


  1. It is so very good! Love the hands and her wrinkles! Bravo!

  2. This looks fantastic ... you are so good when you are sick! Geez got to see what you can do when you are not sick.

  3. wow Alycia this is so fabulous, wonderful art. Hugs Annette x

    1. Thank you Netty! Thanks for the link to your page, I look forward to seeing more of you work this month :)

  4. Fantastic, Alycia! I love pictures of wrinkly old people. They're quite a challenge! Glad you're participating!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I'm really drawn to wrinkles, some of my guide pictures have such extensive wrinkles that it will take me a month to draw it properly but they are just so captivating.

  5. Your did a fantastic job of a very old woman. My face #1 was also an old woman, but mine was nearer to age 75 than 90, I think.

    1. Thank you Faye, I just checked out your blog, I love your style! I can't wait to see more.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Terry! Hands are my favorite to draw, I somehow get more expression of of them than I do faces lol

  7. well, you sure found a challenging reference. These challenges themselves are great. I did 30 paintings last month and it left me supercharged to do more, so I am really enjoying this NEW challenge of faces.
    I love wrinkles too, one of the favorites of my own portraits that i have done was of a 102 year old man.

    1. Thank you Mami! You are wonder woman! 30 paintings last month and now this challenge? I would need a months break between them lol

  8. Ooooooh! Beautiful job with the wrinkles on her hands. This is a lovely, evocative portrait!
