Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Face #18 #19 #20 #21 and #22

I was going to try and get ahead on my faces so that over the weekend (when I work) I wouldn't have to worry about staying caught up... It was a nice thought, but it never happened and I found myself doodling at work while it was slow.

Face #18 in pencil

Face #19 in pencil, I was stopped partway through him and didn't feel like finishing...

Face #20  in pencil, looks nothing like the guide photo but I really like her.

Face #21 in charcoal, she was a quick sketch, took me less than ten minutes.... That's also probably why her nose is crooked...

Face #22 in pencil. I was trying for a new angle, of a down cast face.... Something about her chin doesn't work for me though....


  1. Beautiful sketches! They all have their own character ...

  2. they are great - really like #21 her nose adds lovely charm

    on #22, there is too much chin showing, try taking a Selfie from overhead with you looking down a little.

    really enjoy seeing all your Faces ^5
