Saturday, February 15, 2014

Faces #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, and #17 I'm ahead!

After my last post I got stuck on a face, well two faces actually, my Valentines couple. I found a challenging guide picture and started mapping it out, trying to get all the proportions right.
When I started  actually drawing it and putting in details, something just wasn't working, I became obsessed and as a result fell behind on my faces.
I still do not like it, their faces at least have not turned out, but I decided I couldn't work on it anymore, nothing I did made it better and I'm sick of looking at it now lol.

Faces #11 and #12, unfinished in pencil..... I will not post the guide photo because it's that off and I'm unhappy with it, but they were faces made in February so they count...

I was a bit discouraged after  I decided to stop mucking with  faces #11 and #12, not only because I was not satisfied with how they turned out, but also because I was now behind on faces. I decided I wasn't going to map out as detailed of faces, like I had before, and focus on letting my hand and eye create things.

Face #13, in Charcoal, she was lightly mapped out, I at least drew a 'T' to figure out the center line and where her eyes were going.

Face #14 in Charcoal. No mapping, just glancing at the guide photo and letting my hand to the rest.
I really like him, he's even cooler looking in person.

Face #15 was done without a guide photo, I just started drawing, its a lot better than my previous work without a guide, I guess that means I'm improving...

Face #16, I started him and decided I didn't like where he was going and to start again, but he's still a full face, so he counts in my book.

Face #17, in Charcoal, He turned out a lot better than face #16 and I really liked this angle. I will do this one again in the future, except I will map it out a bit so it actually looks like the guide photo (it's Willem Dafoe) 

This weekend isn't super busy for me, so I should be able to take advantage of the free time and get some more faces done... next week is going to be busy....


  1. Very good drawings. It seems sometimes that our drawings have a mind of their own. They simply refuse to resemble the reference photo.

  2. Your work is wonderful. I think you are being too hard on yourself. (Yes. I know we are our own worst critic.)
