Tuesday, February 9, 2016

29faces face #9 Omar Sharif

Face #9 is Omar Sharif, who passed away July, 10th, 2015, from a heart attack at the age of 83. 
I've linked his Wikipedia page above, he was a very interesting man - He spoke six languages and was a contract bridge player, among other things. His Wikipedia page comes across as very romantic because he died 6 months after this ex-wife, who it seems he never got over - he remained a lonely bachelor after their divorce.

I promise his forehead isn't as big at this picture it showing... my camera didn't want to cooperate today so the angle is off a bit.

Well folks, we are 9 faces down and have 20 more to go, how are all y'all doing?


  1. Achieving the deep eyes is what makes this so appealing.

  2. Your faces are great!! I especially like this one of Omar. He was one of my favorite actors!

  3. He's such a charmer, you've caught beautifully the twinkle in his eyes.

    Thanks for asking, faces are going on fine :D

