Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Faces #11, #12, #13, and #14 I'm falling behind!

This last week has been super fun and busy but as a result I am behind on my faces. Friday I spent the day sewing. Saturday was spent at a Renaissance Festival. Sunday was a farewell/celebration of life party (for my old co-worker and friend who is dying of skin cancer) and I finished Sunday with buying a new rooster for my flock of hens. As a result I have only 4 faces, which I started on Sunday night after getting my rooster.

I did his guy while watching a movie, and normally I have a photo on my computer as a reference but this time all I had was the back of a dvd... I wasn't happy with how it turned out but it was a good practice with shading.

This guy was one I did without any model at all. I was happy with him, normally they don't turn out so well. I loved drawing his beard. 

I love what I was able to do with her but she doesn't look like who she's supposed to be (Audrey Hepburn),  I am getting better though.

Really quick one with charcoal and blue crayon, the water didn't look how I wanted it to so I took a crayon and colored it. 

Off to finish some more! I must catch up!

1 comment:

  1. I like all your faces and that the subject matter is so different.
