Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2014 Face #2

This challenge you will see a lot of elderly people, I love drawing wrinkles for some reason, and absolutely love the character that they give a face.

The face....

Off to get more faces done, I hoping to get a few done a head of time so I have back up for a busy day.


  1. You are so good at drawing elderly people. Very refreshing to see when we're so used to perfection wherever we look.....even if it's perfection that's not real.

    1. Thank you u-woman, I agree Perfection is just an illusion we all imagine, Art is the only thing that can come close .... and maybe food lol

  2. Beautifully done. I'm just the opposite (I can't seem to get the wrinkles in there) but I am inspired by your drawing.

    1. Thank you Scarlet, I think it's the imperfection in wrinkles that allows me to do them, I have a hard time doing children because they have no wrinkles!

  3. Excellent interpretations - both Face #1 and #2. :)

  4. I think it's fantastic that you are doing older faces,they have a real presence and strength.

  5. Hello! You have drawn very fine pictures. I like old people, too, but You are much better with them than I. Let's see later...
