Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hands #14, #15, and #16

I got three more done in the past two days. I'm still hoping in getting a few done ahead of schedule so I have a buffer but so far that plan hasn't worked, and today the sun is out and I'm going outside to enjoy it. Procrastination at it's finest....

Hand #14, Clasping in Prayer, I'm beginning to see a theme in April (other than hands), and its that lots of prayers are needed, regardless of what you believe in. This one was done for my mother.

Hand #15, Prayer bead hands. This one was done for all the people in the Boston bombing, my thoughts are with all of you and your family's.

Hand #16, Dirt filled hands. Because even in all this sadness, we need to look at the good and beautiful things in life.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Ayala. I'm hoping to get more done tomorrow, I never seem to get ahead! lol
