Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 10, Face #12 Happy Birthday to me!

In celebration of my 25 years on earth today, I did a self portrait.
 I like how I did the nose but my mouth is off a little. It also doesn't help that the camera added glare to the top left of the photo, it's dark like the rest of the background.  Anyway, I'm off to eat cake and be merry :)


  1. Happy Birthday! Nice drawing. Nice work on that Harrison Ford, too! You kept him handsome like he is. :)

  2. Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day. Keep up the fantastic faces.

  3. Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter! Love the self-portrait! Keep up the awesome work! Love Mom

  4. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Judie, Annie, and mom :)
