Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 20, Face #21 Jude Law

I was playing around with my charcoals again when I decided to try another celebrity. I really love putting my finished work side by side with this inspiration, it's showing me where and what I need to work on to improve. My proportions are getting better, I just need more practice. Once I'm comfortable with Charcoal I think I want to try doing the kind with black paper and white chalk, what is that called? I've seen some lovely ones done that way through the 29 faces.

There are a few things to unbalance him but I have come leaps and bounds with somethings, (like open mouths and teeth), his cheeks could be a little more compact, his nose shadowed a bit better and the left side shadows more enhanced  then he would look a bit more like Jude. In any case I love him as he is so I'm not going to fuss with him :)

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